Special Issues

Smart Construction runs virtual special issues to collect papers on cutting-edge topics, a special event, a group of scholars, etc. to build a community of authors and readers in discussing the latest ideas or research. The special issue publication would follow the normal peer review procedure and would be grouped together on the special issue website. For any special issue proposal, please contact the journal editorial office via smartcon@elspub.com.

In Progress
Construction Site Monitoring and Optimization using Digital TwinsSpecial Issue Editors Byungjoo Choi, Muhyiddine Jradi

Submission Deadline

30 June 2025
Intelligent Condition Assessment and Performance Prediction Towards Resilient and Sustainable Pavement StructureSpecial Issue Editors Tao Ma, Songtao Lv, Zhen Leng, Yuqing Zhang, Siqi Wang

Submission Deadline

31 August 2025