This paper presents the design of a high-voltage 8-channel neural stimulation integrated circuit with exponential-waveform output. To ensure sufficient current delivery to the load, which exhibits large impedance at the electrode-tissue interface, a high-voltage output stage of up to 30 V has been implemented in the neural stimulator. Charge balancing is achieved through a dual-slope control scheme with an integrator circuit during stimulation, complemented by an additional active charge-balancing circuit in each channel. This work also demonstrates that the stimulator with exponential-waveform output remains effective even with a high-voltage output stage and is compatible with traditional charge-balancing circuits. These features ensure safety and higher power efficiency in long-term stimulation. The 8-channel high-voltage stimulator chip is implemented using 180-nm BCD CMOS process technology, with a core area of 13.25 mm². Experimental measurements indicate that the maximum charge imbalance for a single cycle is only 0.77%, while the output power efficiency can reach 98%. In vitro and in vivo experimental results show that the stimulator effectively removes residual charges, and the exponential-waveform stimulation successfully triggers action potentials leading to muscle contraction.
Neural stimulation; high-voltage; multi-channel; exponentially decaying current; charge balancing